

   日期:2023-07-13 03:04     浏览:456    评论:0    


PTFE film first, material selection. PTFE tape material is very important, good material selection is essential. At present, KCC viscose and Dow Corning silicone pressure sensitive adhesive is used most of the manufacturers, there are many differences between them, this is our time in the production of the manufacturers need to focus on the issue. Dow Corning silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive temperature resistance is very good, but also has its defects, the initial viscosity is often not ideal, while the KCC tack a bit better than the Dow corning. In order to improve the high temperature resistance and initial adhesion of PTFE tapes, we often mix two kinds of silicone pressure sensitive adhesives properly. After several mediation ratio, we have mastered both the high temperature resistance and can improve the initial viscosity of PTFE tape. In addition, our company introduced another kind of imported silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive, which has strong initial viscosity and high 聚四氟乙烯薄膜第二、生产。生产工艺是产品质量的至关一步。我们要不断的优化工艺,不断的调节粘性,大幅度改善胶带成品的粘性,为此,我们控制好多种工艺参数,经过几年的实践,聚四氟乙烯胶带的粘性远远的得到了提高。聚四氟乙烯薄膜第三、使用。好的聚四氟乙烯胶带也需要非常好的使用方法。在使用铁氟龙胶带之前,我们要求客户首先要清除被贴表面的油污、杂质以及其它灰尘。还有,用了剩余的聚四氟乙烯胶带,我们要用塑料纸密封保存,否则,放在空气中,粘性会下降。第四、保存。保存聚四氟乙烯胶带是一个很科学的问题。聚四氟乙烯胶带是不易露天存放在空气中太久的时间的。我们车间往往是露天存放的,但是置换快,一般一批货很快就会卖掉,而中断用户就要根据自己的实际情况做决定了。由于一般用户缺乏足够的保存环境,我们建议用户购买的时候库存保持1-2个月就好了。temperature resistance. After many tests, the effect is very good.PTFE film second, production. Production process is a crucial tep in product quality. We have to constantly optimize the process, constantly adjust the viscosity, greatly improve the viscosity of adhesive tape products, therefore, we control a variety of process parameters, after several years of practice, the viscosity of PTFE tape has been greatly improved.PTFE film third, use. Good Teflon tape also requires a very good method of use. Before the use of Teflon tape, we require customers to be posted first to clear the surface oil, dust and other impurities. Also, with the remaining PTFE tape, we need to use plastic paper sealed storage, otherwise, put in the air, sticky willDescent. Fourth, save. It's a very scientific question to preserve Teflon tape. Teflon tape is not easy to open storage in the air too long. Our workshop is often open storage, but replacement fast, usually a lot of goods will soon sell, and the interruption of users will be based on their own actual situation to make a decision.Since the average user lacks sufficient storage environment, we recommend that the user keep the stock for 1-2 months at the time of purchase.
